You are perfect

You are perfect

For the community, by the commmunity.

Created on 2nd April 2023

You are perfect

You are perfect

For the community, by the commmunity.

The problem You are perfect solves

Our Project "You are perfect" focuses on solving the problem of lack of mental health awareness among people as well as helping people assess the state of their mental health using AI/ML as the convinience of their home. So coming to how it actually helps in increasing the awareness among the people about mental health issues is by 'Blogs','Newsletter' and 'Community', so how it actually works? Let's see, the Blogs we provide are from the people who have been through the same situation in their lives where they talk about how they coped up and overcame through thier tough phase... 'Newsletter' will be form experienced people of the community and doctors providing tips on how you can actually improve your mental health... and our 'Community' will provide you with people who hve been through the situation themselves.
Also in addition to that we have our expert dcotors with us to provide consulation and therapy to the needed ones.

Challenges we ran into

We came across the problem of making bussiness out of the project to overcome the site cost, which we overccame by being the mediator between the doctors and the users we provide for the consultation which will be a charged feature in the website

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