You Are Not Alone

Our website allows users to share and learn about other people's mental health experiences and solutions. It also has a chatbot that allows customers to have anonymous real-time conversations.

The problem You Are Not Alone solves

Anxiety or excessive worrying can disrupt a person’s life by impacting their relationships with others, self-confidence and ability to complete daily tasks at work or school.This was clearly visible after the Covid 19 pandemaic wreaked havoc on the earth. After the nationwide lockdown was implemented, there was widespread despair and anxiety among the public.

Our platform helps people to jot down their feelings and throw away the burden they have been carrying with themselves for times by opening their hearts and sharing their side of the storey about how they dealt with it. Other users who feel the same way can see their storey and realise that they are not alone in this world and that many people are fighting the same battle, which can motivate and strengthen them.

When people discuss and express their feelings with another person, they may feel less burdened. Opening up will help the mind to relax and the soul will feel better. Speaking up and sharing thoughts help people control their emotions and get a hold of themselves. As a result, we've included a chat bot on our website that allows users to communicate with one of our Team members and express their feelings in real time.

Challenges we ran into

The website design took some time, but we were able to complete it in the end.
