
you - we priortize you!

The problem You solves


Our app has the following features:

Unlike other apps, we aim to work along with the user and help them get back to their normal life. We have a variety of features that help them distract themselves.
Music section to tune yourself to calmful and soothing music.
Take appointment and schedule counseling - Users can schedule appointments with certified counselors.
A caring community of thousands of people is waiting to talk, listen, and help you feel a little less lonely. If you’re concerned about privacy, anonymous sharing is an option too. You can talk or write anonymously in the app.
We also provide a blog section that features mental health articles and articles of the stack they chose as their interest.
A game section that provides mind refreshing games
natural video viewing section
A tracker to track daily activities and mood: Within the PIN-protected app, you can use graphics to detail your daily activities and moods, then watch the app churn out stats and trends to help you understand your mood better.
Two kinds of sign ups, one for the users, second for Institutions. Institutions can use our features in bulk to help their students.
One of our unique features is that we provide personalized data to the users by using data collected while signing into the app. Learn new stack is a section by which we aim to engage the users by letting them learn a completely new stack and distract themselves.
We provide rewards for every little task they complete. We aim to integrate with food delivery apps, shopping apps etc and provide vouchers and coupons as rewards.

Target market:
Target market for the app can be people belonging to any age group, sector of society as mental health issues are common. The major focus is to be given to teenagers and the working sector of our society, who in between their busy schedules forget to give proper attention to their mental well-being.

Business model:
Subscription- based models with an initial trial period can be made

Challenges we ran into

Several reports show us that mental health of individuals is worsening day by day, yet it is largely overlooked in India. The persisting stigma over this issue stops people from opening up about their mental state.

Problems addressed by the idea:
People are reluctant to open up about their mental health.
People going through depression and other mental disorders require distractions in the form of fun and engaging activities alongside cure.
Getting an appointment from a certified professional today can be both tedious and expensive.

Technologies used
