Russia has invaded Ukraine. Millions of civilians are caught in the middle of an escalating war and humanitarian crisis, and casualties are rising. More than 2 million people have fled Ukraine in response to Russia's invasion, and millions more could follow in the fastest-growing refugee crisis in Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic is an added challenge for communities where violence and uncertainty takes a heavy toll.
Funds collected from donors on Yodha will support Ukrainians in need, with a focus on the most vulnerable, including children and senior citizens, without revealing the personal details of the civilians. When a donor makes a donation against a hospital on the website, the donation is received by them and distributed in a decentralised manner to the patients in need. The patients can then buy the medical services and medicines they need by using the Y-Coins. The donors can also check the genuinity of the website cryptographically and also track the blockchain transactions to ensure that their donation has been used for the cause donated.
For storing a patient's medical files, it was a challenge as we had have them available all the time. We solved this problem by using IPFS which stores documents in nodes and we also used RSA and AES mechanisms to encrpyt the files stored on nodes.