Yankee Swap

Yankee Swap

Getting the best yield with automated strategies without leaving Solana

The problem Yankee Swap solves

We make DeFi outside of Solana chain more reachable using our product. Since Most protocols develop in 1 chain then spreads to multi-chain based on demand, it's hard for Solana users to join since these protocol are developed in EVM-compatible environment. Hence, there's a missing key for Solana users to gain better yield unless they learn EVM and invest in other chains

Challenges we ran into

We ran into several technical problem such as transferring knowledge to team member, understanding the feasability of the wormhole protocol for Solana to EVM transactions, and deciding the UI. The UI was easy since we found a template that can help us, but the hardest part is to code the smart contract and the Wormhole validator. Unfortuntately, we did not have enough time to code the smart contract, but at least we managed to refine our product better, and we plan to iterate our product for the next hackathon. Nevertheless, we managed to pass through our hurdle on knowledge transfer by having sharing session, reading articles online, and following youtube tutorials that Albert and Sky shared.

Tracks Applied (1)

Solution Tracks

Yankee Swap is DeFi & Payments
