

We aim to teach and educate a new generation of crypto adopters. This app evidences the risks of civilian surveillance and privacy risks of crypto.

The problem X-Posimo solves


Blockchain has some fundamental privacy problems by virtue of its design, but the new generation of crypto users are not aware of it and identification of an individual through a pseudonym is trivial.

2022 ZK-Rollups are on the rise but entry barrier to Zk-development is still very high and zk-apps are being target of civilian surveillance.

Dune Analytics is a powerful tool for extracting blockchain data but it is not comprehensible for the non crypto native and does not help with Blockchain adoption

X-Posimo app:

  • contributes to educate on the importance of privacy to a new generation of crypto adopters.
  • provides relevant data for any user in a meaningful an easy way to digest.
  • highlights a usecase of the new Dune Analytics API

Challenges we ran into

We wanted to create initially a DApp based in ZK, but we could not find a way to write complex smart contracts neither we had the knowledge and time. When using Dune Analytics API we encountered the challenge that some queries took too much time to be used in a real time application. Also, since the Dune Analytics API is really recent and still work in progress documentation is limited.

Technologies used
