XDCSwap v3

XDCSwap v3

Uniswap v3 deployed on XDC mainnet.

Created on 9th July 2023

XDCSwap v3

XDCSwap v3

Uniswap v3 deployed on XDC mainnet.

The problem XDCSwap v3 solves

Currently the DeFi is quite limited on the XDC chain, and there are barely any DEXes.

The only one I know of is XSwap, but it's based on Uniswap v2 and hasn't been updated for quite some time. It is clear that the chain needs more recent tooling.

Sadly, due to lack of time I wasn't able to finish setting up the Uniswap interface.

Challenges I ran into

Quite a few actually:

  • The prefixed addresses are a hassle to use with current EVM tooling
  • Most tools around the testnet are broken, including the RPC (that constantly returned ECONNRESET, the web wallet (https://wallet.xinfin.network/) that couldn't connect to the RPC, broken links on https://www.apothem.network/#stats, where "Web Wallet" redirects to the inexistant https://wallet.apothem.network/), ...
  • XDCPay doesn't seem to work
  • Information was quite hard to find, around the current ecosystem, deployed projects, what the contract address of Wrapped XDC is, ...
  • The XDC team joined the venue a bit late on Saturday so it was unclear what I should work on until there was less than 20 hours left.
  • Public tooling like The Graph is missing, so I had to deploy that myself as well

Tracks Applied (2)

XDC Network: Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Being able to provide liquidity and swap tokens is an essential part of DeFi, and Uniswap achieves that nicely.

XDC Foundation

XDC Network: Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

Well, Uniswap is the leading DEX on Ethereum mainnet, so it has proven its worth and should also exist on XDC.

XDC Foundation

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