0x Publishing House

0x Publishing House

0x Publishing House is a place for great writers, who write stories, poems, novels and can store it for a lifetime and also mint them as NFT to trade or sell.


The problem 0x Publishing House solves

There are talented writers across the globe who specialize in various forms of writing such as articles, stories, plots, novels, poems, and so on. However, not all writers are able to achieve success in terms of finding an audience or getting published and selling copies of their work. For those looking to publish their writing, 0x Publishing House could be an ideal option. Here, writers can auction their work for others to publish or buy for themselves. It is also a great platform for small, passionate writers who write in their free time and want to sell their work. Additionally, readers can explore a variety of novels and stories from around the world and across different genres. With 0x Publishing House, writers can create and store their works for a lifetime, including notes, journals, scripts, and multimedia attachments. They can also mint their works as NFTs and trade or sell them through the platform.

Challenges I ran into

cadence was completely a new language to code with, and I found hard to link the api to my web application. I referred some youtube videos and it was helpul.
