Created on 21st October 2023
Its really painful to let users send assets and NFTS/POAP's to your unwanted/unpreferred address as well as network. How about a wallet that lets you set your preferences (your asset choice (USDT/USDC/...) and your chain on which you would like to recieve your assets and your secondary addressess. Along with this the users will have support to send the assets and NFTs from their desired change and suing wormhole to bridge the assets towards the reciever's desired chain.
Its really hard to manage all the NFTs, SBTs, POAPs which you receive it on several chains and several address. You would have remember every time when someone sends you an NFT and note down the chain as well as the address on which you received it
Integrating cross chain functionlalities was a big task but we got over it
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Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.