
A mini project regarding a small college management website that allows the students to register their lost and found complaints and make orders from the college canteen. It sends emails to users

The problem WorkatEase solves

Currently there is no sophisticated system that allows students and teachers to avoid unneccessary queues and college canteens. So this system allows us to inform the students and tecahers when their orders are ready. Also , students have to wait for a long time if their lost thing is found so in order to avoid that we have created a system which can alert the users when their lost and found item is found by sending them a personal email. This automates the process and converts it into a web based application which is not present in many colleges currently.

Challenges we ran into

Not all users were well versed with all the technologies like github and vscode. So this proved to be a learning expereince as we all used those technolgies to collaborate and share our code and make commits.
