Womanity Decentralised Petitioner

Womanity Decentralised Petitioner

A petition cum online voting website dedicated to empowering women

The problem Womanity Decentralised Petitioner solves

Our mission is to create a platform where women can demand the laws and regulations they want in a democratic way from the government. We are using blockchain to build a trustworthy web3 solution for womens needs.

Challenges we ran into

We being a beginner team faced many challenges while making the web3 project. We had to learn truffle framework in detail. Building the ui was also challenging. The most difficult part was connecting the frontend to the blockchain network and using asynchronous code in javascript. While deploying the site, our institute faced major powercut and internet breakdown. It made our work difficult in deploying the site as well as hindered us from making the video. Our team also faced problems due to incompatible version of nodejs installed in our system. We had to install nodejs version 16.13.0 to use the web3.js library.
