Whistleblower - Wikileaks on steroids

Whistleblower - Wikileaks on steroids

Whistleblower allows anyone from all over the world to post data, ideas, thoughts, and documents, privately and securely forever using Lens Protocol

The problem Whistleblower - Wikileaks on steroids solves

**Whistleblowing is dangerous. **

Citizens who bring whistleblowing claims or otherwise provide information to the government or on the government can face retaliation. They can get locked up or fired. Some of them also suddenly kill themselves.

**The proof can be burned/hidden. **
As a whistleblower, you may have only partial visibility into potential wrongdoing and may not be completely clear on the entire situation going on or the severity of it. The proof can be deleted and thus you'll be outed as a Liar.

You do not know what's happening in other departments.
You might need anonymous help.

You may not have the funds/sufficient incentive to whistleblow.

The incentive structure is not there!

**Whistleblower allows anyone from all over the world to post data, ideas, thoughts, and documents, privately and securely forever. **

It flips the incentive structure on its head.

Whistleblowers are now incentivized to whistleblow, turning them from people looking for security and funding to anonymous agents of chaos getting richer exposing the truth.

Whistleblowers can now cooperate anonymously and reveal documents from multiple governmental or corporate departments.

How does it work?
It uses a group of relayers and hashing algorithms hiding the identity of the sender.
All of the accounts will be be posting messages from one account obfuscating the users Identity.
Messages can contain wallets that crowdsource funding and link to IPFS documents.

Challenges we ran into

**We found it difficult at first not to implement the same technology as tornado cash. **
We also found it difficult to have no trusted setups.

We wanted everything to be on-chain with no trust assumptions.

We wanted it not to be used for money laundering.

We wanted to guarantee anonymity and we did it.
