
A new way to share.


The problem Whisper solves

A very cool demo app for a technology that I implemented for exchanging data between nearby devices via sound, just like Google Pay. Whisper is an attendance-managing app which exchanges secure tokens via sound. To elaborate: A server is planted on a table which is listening for whispers from devices of attendees/ employees. Whenever a device throws in a Whisper; the data (token) is decoded into a byte array and a hash of the token is generated and sent back to the user device, again, through a Whisper. The hash is matched with a local hash generated by the attendee/ employee device. If the hash matches, the attendance is flagged true on the Firebase Database [or a deployed Node.js web app, for what it’s worth].

Idea: Workshops that we instruct are jam-packed with students. It is tough to mark attendance of each and every student [for certification purposes]. This idea can help build a Kiosk for marking attendance, making things smooth and simple.

Technologies used
