Whale 🐳

Whale 🐳

The Only DAO / Community product you will need

Created on 4th December 2022

Whale 🐳

Whale 🐳

The Only DAO / Community product you will need

The problem Whale 🐳 solves

Everyday a new DAO / Community is launched , but retaining the audience is the main challenge. So we introduce WHALE which is the only tool your DAO/Community would need.

DAOs and Communities works on the base of Transperency , Trust and Culture and we help you build it.

How Whale solves this problem :
We have our redeemable token $WTK

We have two user ends : DAO/Community Admin & Contributor

Whale for Admins:

Incentivize your community tasks with $WTK
Manage Community Tasks easily
List your products in our Marketplace
DAO onboarding
Airdrop , and Giveaways of $WTK
List out your IRL , Online Gated events
Gate entry to your communities

Whale for Contributors:

Contribute and earn $WTK, redeem merchs, accessories from Market place.
Access (NFT) Gated events.
Take part in loyalty programs.
Ace the leaderboard and earn NFTs
Explore various DAOs and Communities
Grow with Community

That's how WHALE build Transperency , Trust and Culture

Challenges we ran into

We faced wifi and network speed issues which was the big hurdle, we tried finding locations with better Network connectivity and kept changing our place.

Finding a right team as many backed due to our SEM Exams.

Travelling and hacking continously for 48 Hours

Tracks Applied (4)

Push Protocol

Push Protocol

General Storage Track

Protocol Labs






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