

Empowering Safety, Every Step of the Way

The problem Welp solves

Currently, there isn't a comprehensive safety solution that effectively balances privacy protection while ensuring individuals' safety.
There's currently a lack of versatile solutions; you either need to invest in expensive safety wearables like Safelets or settle for lower-quality alternatives for protection.
There's nothing integrated into your daily routine for safety; you have to carry separate devices for protection.

Challenges we ran into

The Libraries of Smart Watch Integration was deprecated so we have to edit the code of the library itself.
The dataset of hazardious location is very hard to find.
Integration of Map with working path finding is very complex to implement as the google API cost too much so we have to use OpenStreetMap.
The sms sending javascript libraryTwilio requires the number to be verified on it for free services. We will be expanding it y taking premium version of it that will enable us to send sms even on the non verified members
