
Wiedza is a one stop solution for all the students queries like finding classes and labs and also it gives us the information of the events held



Wiedza is a one stop solution for all the students queries like finding classes and labs and also it gives us the information of the events held

The problem Weidza solves

According To Our Experience as a student around 80% students face difficulties in finding their classes and labs also .

Many Times Students are unaware about events held in the colleges .

Many students are unable to reach their classes on time .

Challenges we ran into

In future we are going to add other prestigious universities of our country and solving all the queries of students .
Also we are planning to add rented bicycles on hourly and daily charges that is going to be very benficial for the students .
Also we will collect data of the various classes and will show the exact location on our website .

Technologies used
