Web Scrapper Using Robocorp

It is used to scrape the data from any website using RPA technology.

Created on 1st July 2021


Web Scrapper Using Robocorp

It is used to scrape the data from any website using RPA technology.

The problem Web Scrapper Using Robocorp solves

It helps us to extract any kind of data that we want. Then We will be able to analyze, retrieve and use the data for our own purposes. Here We created the Robot on the behalf of the student's welfare, Our robot helps to scrape the data from educational sites and use those data for the betterment of the student's knowledge.

For the people who involved in writing Research articles and Review articles, Our Robot helps you all to gather information and helps you for further process to proceed. Unlike the whole web page, You can just simply scrape the data from the part which you want, just by using the ELEMENT LOCATOR( which can be found in the Webpage Elements).

Challenges we ran into

We found it difficult for some websites to scrape the data, But we overcome it and succeed through the process.


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