Web3 Goals

Web3 Goals

Web3 space that give any person social and financial motivation to achieve their own goals

Created on 11th February 2023

Web3 Goals

Web3 Goals

Web3 space that give any person social and financial motivation to achieve their own goals

The problem Web3 Goals solves

People often set ambitious goals for themselves, but over time their motivation decreases. Because of this, they get frustrated and stop going toward their dreams.

Because of this huge problem, our world is losing a lot of great ideas and projects that could make us all better.

I hope that with the power of Web3 we can cope with this and come to a brighter future together.

Challenges I ran into

I use The Graph, QuickNode and Chainlink in my project, but these technologies do not support Filecoin and Mantle blockchains.

Because of this, I had to simplify some features for these blockchains. I hope that in the future these young blockchains will get support at least from The Graph community.

Tracks Applied (10)

Polygon: Open Track

All contracts are deployed to Polygon Mumbai and integrated into the application.

Polygon Technology

Filecoin Virtual Machine

All contracts are deployed to Hyperspace and integrated into the application.



The application uses Livepeer to allow people to upload video proofs and show them to all goal watchers. For example, ho...Read More



The application uses Chainlink Any API to verify the proof of goal achievement. For example, check GitHub activity with ...Read More


The Graph: New Subgraph(s)

A subgraph was created to display aggregated data in the application and in a polywrap wrapper that any developer can us...Read More

The Graph

Quicknode: Built on QuickNode RPC

QuickNode RPC is integrated into the application as the main RPC provider for the polygon network.


Push Protocol

The application uses Push Protocol to send valuable notifications to the author of the goals. For example, send a notifi...Read More

Push Protocol


All contracts are deployed to Mantle Testnet and integrated into the application.



A wrapper was created for the project, allowing any developers to upload account reputation and goals to their own apps....Read More


Mantle: Public Goods Track

This app uses the power of Web3 and Mantle to give any person extra social and financial motivation to achieve their own...Read More



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