Web3 Ads

Web3 Ads

Scalable and Compatible Advertising on OKC Blockchain

The problem Web3 Ads solves

Problem: A lack of transparency in the advertising market place, caused by intermediaries, increases costs for both advertisers and publishers and leads to inefficiencies, distrust, and potential ad fraud.

Solution: Smart contracts make it possible for advertisers and publishers to use OKX chain to buy and sell directly without intermediaries.

Challenges we ran into

Throughout the development of our project, we encountered several bugs that caused unexpected behaviors or errors in our application. We tracked down these issues by examining the error messages, following the code execution, and isolating the problematic sections. With the help of OKX tech support, in person and on Discord, we solved the problems.

The issue we had with identifying and integrating OKX wallet with our application. We went MetaMask wallet instead.

We tried to implement on Google Cloud because of the limitation on resources, but we lack expertise in that space and account credits. We deployed locally and our project is container-izable.

By tackling these compatibility challenges, we were able to deliver a consistent user experience across a wide range of devices and browsers.

Tracks Applied (4)

Grand Prizes

Problem: A lack of transparency in the advertising market place, caused by intermediaries, increases costs for both adve...Read More

Extra Prizes

Problem: A lack of transparency in the advertising market place, caused by intermediaries, increases costs for both adve...Read More

UpHonest Scout Community

Problem: A lack of transparency in the advertising market place, caused by intermediaries, increases costs for both adve...Read More

OnePiece Labs

OPL Incubator Award

Problem: A lack of transparency in the advertising market place, caused by intermediaries, increases costs for both adve...Read More

OnePiece Labs
