We Care- A Utility App for the Elderly

This is a showcase app I built during the annual Season of Code held by the Mobile Development Group IIT Roorkee, under the guidance of my mentors.


We Care- A Utility App for the Elderly

This is a showcase app I built during the annual Season of Code held by the Mobile Development Group IIT Roorkee, under the guidance of my mentors.

The problem We Care- A Utility App for the Elderly solves

Everybody needs additional care and attention as they age.

And so, not so surprisingly, tech-savvy elderly people are gradually becoming an increasingly large category of app users. WeCare aims to make their lives easier by planning their daily activities, reminding them about daily medications, bills, groceries and much more.
Users will be able to keep track of medical history, and other social events.
This way, it endeavors to help them lead independent and fulfilling lives.

The app currently has 2 parts -
Medical Aid: which reminds user to take daily medicines on time, and helps keep track of their medical history.
Planning Aid: has a Utility Reminder feature, which is basically a task reminder. And a Events Scheduler, which has the user input their social calendar.

Challenges I ran into

I had also initially planned to include a Helping Hand feature. This feature is especially helpful in metropolitan cities, for senior citizens who live independently. It involves signing up friendly neighbors who volunteer to help out the user in carrying out some reminder-based task.For eg; Driving them for doctor appointments, or grocery shopping etc.
However due to time constraints, this feature wasn’t implemented.
