WAUF (Where Are U From)

WAUF (Where Are U From)

WAUF is a public good that aims to solve the problems in the fashion industry while achieving mass adoption. There are three main issues in the fashion industry that we identified.

Created on 3rd June 2023

WAUF (Where Are U From)

WAUF (Where Are U From)

WAUF is a public good that aims to solve the problems in the fashion industry while achieving mass adoption. There are three main issues in the fashion industry that we identified.

The problem WAUF (Where Are U From) solves

Environmental Impact: The fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental destruction, second only to the petroleum industry. As a result, there is a growing concern about the environmental impact of mass-produced fashion items driven by trends. We believe that this problem can be addressed through supply chain transparency. By making the supply chain publicly accessible and tamper-proof, supply chains will be more aware and motivated to work towards a sustainable fashion industry.

Authenticity Verification: It is widely known that the fashion industry is plagued by countless counterfeit products, causing significant harm to both consumers and suppliers. This issue can be resolved using ERC-721, also known as NFT, smart contracts. By linking the authenticity of fashion items with NFT ownership, it becomes possible to authenticate genuine products and facilitate secure transactions.

Bots and Resellers, Causing Harm: Bots and resellers have a notorious reputation in the fashion industry, causing harm to consumers and suppliers alike. We propose integrating WorldCoin to differentiate human identities and limit their actions. Leveraging WorldCoin's Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology, users can perform these processes without revealing their personal information.

Challenges we ran into

One particular challenge we faced was the task of displaying information about the products used in the supply chain. This proved to be a complex endeavor, as the representation of each product by a distinct NFT address made it difficult to retrieve and aggregate the necessary data through simple queries.

However, we quickly realized that leveraging event logs could offer a viable solution. By developing an "eventEmitter" contract and storing event log data on TheGraph, we were able to overcome this challenge. This breakthrough allowed us to seamlessly connect to the subgraph, facilitating the mapping of supply chains and the associated products.

Despite the initial difficulty, our integration of event logs and the subgraph ultimately enabled us to overcome the challenges and provide users with a user-friendly platform to access comprehensive information about the supply chain and the specific products involved.

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