

Enhanced Surveillance software capable of identifying and alerting authorities about any unusual or suspicious behavior within a monitored geographic area.

The problem WatchGuard solves

The project's goal is to improve surveillance systems by automatically identifying dangers and rule-breaking actions using Python backend technologies and machine learning (ML). The technology may quickly identify many kinds of threats, such as armed revolt, unlawful access, or rule infractions, by analyzing live footage from surveillance cameras. When a threat is detected, the system will make sure that everyone is informed by categorically customizing notifications according on how serious the threat is. For example, instant WhatsApp notifications of armed insurrection will be sent to all workers, students, and employees when immediate action is needed. The notifications will include live imagery of the criminal. On the other hand, through designated routes, less critical matters will be communicated to the local police authority or the security department of the organisation.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Integrating ReactJS with Django with Live Video feed from Python backend usin OpenCV.
  2. Training model for various activites detection, high accuracy.
  3. No official API is available for WhatsApp and Python integration and modification of existing ones.
