Problems Targeted:
- During and after COVID one thing that we all miss is going out with all our friends to watch a movie at the theatre.
- While maintaining physical distancing we are no being able to host house parties, get-togethers, or night outs.
- While video calling on certain platforms if we start sharing our screen due to the requirement of higher bandwidths the quality of the call as well as the stream deteriorates.
Solution Proposed:
We have come up with a web app Watch Together, which accommodates the following features:
** Personal room for you and your friends:** A user can create a personalized room and share the room id and password with their friends and can enjoy all the features together.
** Lightweight Video and Audio Calling:** Once all the friends join in they can start a video/ audio call while watching a video.
** Synchronized Video Player:** This is a streaming platform and it is synchronized among all the members, so anyone can start, pause, fast forward, or rewind the streaming.
** Real-Time Chat App:** A real-time chat application that will keep a record of whoever joins or leaves the room and also broadcast messages to all the members.
Unique Selling Points:
- ** We have tried to accumulate all our favorite features to one single platform. We can host a watch party while video calling, which none of the existing streaming platforms have started.**
- ** The Video streaming is being done locally so less internet speed is required. **
- ** There is no limit on how many people can join a room, one can invite as many friends they want.**