Watch out - Safety first is safety always

Watch out is safety App. It Provides Features like sending your location to police etc.


Watch out - Safety first is safety always

Watch out is safety App. It Provides Features like sending your location to police etc.

The problem Watch out - Safety first is safety always solves

It is a Project which is divided into 2 parts, So the main Moto behind this which is why we develop this app , is That Every day now we are facing issues related to Women Rape ,brutalism Violence and many more issue. Like similar to one which is depicted in URI movie where Vicky Kaushal mom has a disease because of which she forgets everything and ran out of home. So here we have developed a solution through which user can track there family member Via Google Map and not only that user can also Ask for help to Police which is the other app if wanted, by just clicking on a button and police will get the exact coordinated in real time.

Challenges we ran into

No as Challenge
