Created on 27th June 2021
It is a wallet for tezos blockchain made in flutter with the help of tezster_dart package and tzkt API for account management. It can be used to send or receive payments in tez. Support Mainnet, Edonet and Florencenet Test networks. (Tested with Edonet accounts on android). It can be used to manage mutiple accounts and the data is stored in the device storage. Accounts/network can be changed in the app. It also has the UI for all the operations are shows all the activities of the account on the app. It also has support for all types of account(user, contract, delegate).
It was very challenging it sync all types of accounts and operations and apply proper absraction the classes. And converting json to dart object. Also the flutter package didn't worked on my machine so i had to update one of the package it depends on(futter_sodium) to its newer version to resolve the issue. Then made the PR to the package after implementing the required changes to tezster_dart package.
Technologies used