Created on 12th November 2022
Most mobile apps require users to sign in with their private keys to allow users to perform certain actions in the app. Importing the private key into an app unfolds a number of potential risks. User can compromise their private key by accident. The app itself can be malicious or have some dangerous bags. In the end, user can lose their assets. Then they write on Twitter that crypto is a scam.
Account Security Abstraction can be used in different ways. With our SDK users can delegate only certain functions needed for a particular app to minimize potential exposure. For example, it can be used to create a wallet on the phone with a spending limit on it, just like you have on your credit card. So if someone steals your phone, you will be only exposed to losing the particular amount you set your limit to, and then you just delegate the connection between your main wallet and the secondary wallet on your phone. It can help a lot of people in third-world countries to actually download mobile wallets and use them without the threat of losing all the funds.
Another idea can be a delegation of the voting power. This use-case was inspired by the problem we encountered with the app we are building in our usual life. The app aggregates DAO proposals and shows them in the form of a feed and by using the SDK we can allow users to delegate their voting power to the wallet created on the phone and vote on any proposals without the further interactions.
There are other use cases like connection to the web3.0 games with specific NFTs. Basically, the more customized approach, the more secure it will be for the users.
From technical perspective: Mobile app development for both Android and iOS can be very tricky sometimes, so we spent hours at the end just to run the final tests. Otherwise there were no other issues, as we were familiar with the topic and tools we were using.
From the product perspective: We spent hours on brainstoming the idea to not limit it by one use case, but come up with broader possible use cases and integrations.
Technologies used