V-ROOM (Virtual Classroom)

Creating A Community Of Life-Long Learners...Learning Today . . . Leading Tomorrow.

The problem V-ROOM (Virtual Classroom) solves

Allows teachers to create and students to submit Assignments and Quizzes to supplement the classroom. Notify students when tasks are assigned, submissions are due or tests are graded.
Enables to identify the weaker students by automatically generating a google quiz and grading them accordingly. Also providing the weaker students Topic-wise summarization and sample Question Bank Generated by the system.
Enable Real-time lectures for virtual education allowing educators and learners to interact, perform a quick check-in and review direction and facilitate recording attendance with the help of google meet

Challenges we ran into

Optimizing the Question Bank Generation model to run into a real-time system considering the time constraints.
Integrating online lectures via google meet and attendance into the system.
Using Pre-made APIs of Google doesn't work well on the free tier, so we had to made our own custom in-house APIs
