VR Medix

Learn and Train in VR

The problem VR Medix solves

Traditional methods of education lacks practicality where students learn by reading theories and then during internships. Practical approach enhances the education and boosts a student's self-esteem, knowledge and skills (both educationally and on the outside world), and enhances their transition into working life especially in the medical field. Medical students can't get proper practical education at their institutions especially at the initial stage as patients cannot be treated by beginners. So, virtual training can play a vital role. Our application will provide virtual training for the students in earlier years of their medical education to help them polish their skills and have virtual hands-on experience. We have used the technology of Virtual Reality to achieve the objective. The application will have a virtual room, tools, virtual patients describing their problems to see if the learner can handle it well. It has a separate section for emergency training, accidental cases, critical surgeries etc. it also includes a virtual guide (for self-training) and group training (for a group of students). VR training will allow the learners to learn the practical approach even at home. The application also has a virtual guide to train the students and improve training. The students can get instant answers to their questions as well. After each learning module, the learners can attempt a quiz to see how much the have learnt and how much they need to improve.

Challenges we ran into

The implementation of the AI Assistant was a little bit of a task but we overcame it by researching and taking actions on the same. The AI assistant plays an important part as it will help resolve the queries raised by the learners in real time.
