Created on 9th August 2024
Lets say you check in a Hotel, you have to submit you aadhar card to the hotel for your identity verifictaion, which contains lots of sensitive information like address, phone number, family information, etc. What if we can prove our identity to the or any organization without revealing our personal details.
Void is a platform which provides document encryption and decryption in way that it does not reveal your personal details to someone, rather just the filtered part required. As you experience the our product demo which is meant for a general user there is nothing much for him to do exept uploading the document and filtering out the details all the magic of verification, authorization deploying of contracts happens at a glimpse of his eye such that users privacy is ensured.
Now the police and authorities could also do real time monitoring of people in an tourist area through query using graph in case of any discrepencies.
While using anon aadhar for aadhar authentication we faced issues in giving details when documents of different sizes were uploaded by using js qr library.
While Extracting the data from backend and automatically deploying it to a smart contract on polygon Amoy we faced error, we solved it by using proper functions and events in our contracts for new data being uploaded in our contract.
In Frontend we got error in retrieving the aadhar data and showing the details in checkboxes to select and solved it by changing the function and key names as they were conflicting each other
Tracks Applied (4)
Anon Aadhar
The Graph
The Graph
Technologies used