Multilingual Gen AI Voice bot based AA Consent

Multilingual Gen AI Voice bot based AA Consent

AA Consent is collected over a Phone Call which is driven by a Gen AI Bot that does following- Ask the User all necessary information to complete the consent journey & Answer any clarifying questions

Created on 25th October 2024

Multilingual Gen AI Voice bot based AA Consent

Multilingual Gen AI Voice bot based AA Consent

AA Consent is collected over a Phone Call which is driven by a Gen AI Bot that does following- Ask the User all necessary information to complete the consent journey & Answer any clarifying questions

The problem Multilingual Gen AI Voice bot based AA Consent solves

Consent stages have seeen significant drop offs. The borrower has to deal with lot of cognitive load in terms of understanding what consent really is, whether he/she should go ahead or not. This problem is even more relevant for borrowers that are non-engllish speaking. As per guidelines, the Consent should not only be provided by the borrower but also is well-understood by the borrower. The FIUs need a better solution to effectively meet this requirement. This is the core of the problem we want to solve.

Challenges we ran into

AA ecosystem is new to us, getting a good understanding of its technical spec to get integrated was one of our challenge, the Saafe team helped us by spending time extensively with us to get our team to understand.
The other core challenge was to understand the User behaviour during calls, we relied upon our partner Accion to bring in that expertise and exposure and loads of invaluable User Research.

Tracks Applied (1)

Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem

Account Aggregator journeys see a significant drop off at the Consent stage due to various factors, Some of them include...Read More


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