Vocal for Local Shop

A place where the local shops and Craft creators will get a platform!

Created on 17th January 2021


Vocal for Local Shop

A place where the local shops and Craft creators will get a platform!

The problem Vocal for Local Shop solves

we have built a very interactive and user-friendly website “Vocal for Local”. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 and the worldwide Lockdown, everyone stayed at home to break the chain, local shops which are not listed on the global E-Commerce Sites faced a huge loss. Online shopping became a #New_Normal but sometimes the deliveries get really delayed at a lot of places and similarly replacement becomes a hassle. We have tried building this website especially for small businesses, local artists, and local shops, promoting #Vocal_For_Local. So that deliveries can be really fast, replacements and return can be easier and every service can be availed while sitting at home, avoiding the crowd and long queue. #Stay_Home_Stay_Safe!

  1. Our website gives the local shop owners a digital platform where they can list their products for sale.
  2. The Shop owners can easily register their shops with our website and list all their products without any hassle or any paper work, every detail will be collected using a form into our Data Base.
  3. When Buyers will visit the Website, they can easily enter their PIN code and nearby local shops will appear on the screen and then they can visit the specific shop they want and add things in their cart.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Google can already show the shops near me, but to buy a thing we have to visit the shop, stand in a queue. So we wanted to develop a site where we can accommodate both buyers and sellers, simultaneously.
  2. We are not really good with front end technologies, so


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