VLearn: Visualizing Concepts

VLearn: Visualizing Concepts

Visualizing Concepts in a fun learning way

The problem VLearn: Visualizing Concepts solves

Programming has become the biggest trend among Indian schoolchildren. There are various pathways that allow high school students to demonstrate their programming abilities by contributing to open-source projects. While these programs can provide a great introduction to computer programming, they also lack a number of important features that we think are necessary to help & create the next generation of effective independent computer programmers.
It's crucial to visualize and understand the syntax in order to develop solid coding concepts, due to which our platform focuses on the visualization of various data structure algorithms along with providing various resources which could help students. Thus helping to revolutionize the coding experience for students.

Challenges we ran into

1 - Integration of Django REST API with React JS. Can be fixed by using axios with async and await instead of fetch and callbacks
2 - CSV Visualization
3 - Dependency issues with node modules
Can be fixed by npm audit fix which will look for updates that can be updated to fix them automatically
4 - Visualizing various ML Models
