Concentrates on the latest updates about the academic & extracurricular activities of VJTI.It also helps you caculate your CGPA and helps you to connect with your teachers through a virtual classroom


Created on 5th April 2023



Concentrates on the latest updates about the academic & extracurricular activities of VJTI.It also helps you caculate your CGPA and helps you to connect with your teachers through a virtual classroom

The problem VJTI CONNECT solves

Working of the Project:The main features of the VJTI Connect are:

Academic Section: The academic section is divided into four parts for First to Fourth Year and further each year is divided for each branches. Each part consist of:
The Timetable of the respective branch(Downloadable).
The syllabus for the respective branch(Downloadable).
A section for uploading grades and displaying them.
A virtual classroom for connecting with the teacher and also posting study material.

The CGPA Calculator: The CGPA calculator helps you calculate your cgpa for the semester based on your grades and credit.It also saves all your CGPA semester wise.

Events: The apps gives you information about the latest events organized by various committees like Technovanza,Pratibimb,Ranghawardan,E-cell and Enthusia.

Clubs: The apps gives you information about the various clubs of VJTI which are COC, DLA, Aero ,Racing ,IEEE, SRA.

E-Resources: This section provide you with all the recommended books and study material ,for all the students of all the four years of various branches,compiled in a single place.


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