
Towards Zero Hunger



Towards Zero Hunger

The problem Vitaran solves

Stepping out of our comfortable homes, down onto the barren lanes of the slums, looking at little children’s sunken cheeks and jutting bones, we see one jarring problem that’s been around since eternity but still lies unresolved: hunger.

There’s hunger in their eyes and in their pitiful cries, yet we don’t think twice before emptying out the excess food on our plate right into the trash can. Hunger is abundant, but so is wastage. This imbalance is stark and alarming.
Excess food and resources that are still fit for consumption must be consumed and not thrown. We need a medium through which those with the privilege of having more than necessary, can share it with those in need.

And therefore, the five of us, through Vitaran, wish to address this issue.

Challenges we ran into

This hackathon being our first, we freshers found it a little challenging to narrow down on a single problem out of the several issues around us. We finally decided upon the one that seemed most prevalent, and unfortunately most ancient: hunger and wastage.
Choosing a name that perfectly encapsulated our ideas was yet another challenge to which we found the solution deep within our cultural roots - Sanskrit. 'Vitaran', the chosen name for our website, is a Sanskrit word that stands for 'Distribution'.

We even faced a few challenges in putting together link redirects that don't, in any way, breach the privacy of our users. We successfully overcame them by searching up and implementing the Flask-Sessions feature.
