

Unlocking Potential,Changing Lives:Vitanet’s Revolutionary Approach to Clinical Trials

The problem VitaNet solves

Current clinical trial platforms are clunky and impersonal, making it difficult for patients to find and enroll in trials. This leads to low participation rates, which slows down medical research. Vitanet aims to revolutionize this process by providing patients with clear, comprehensive information about trials that match their needs. Vitanet's user-friendly interface will streamline enrollment, making it easier than ever for patients to participate in research and contribute to medical advancements.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Unclear Age Range in Survey Design:We conducted a survey and included a question about age, but neglected to specify the reason for a particular age range.
  2. The Bottleneck of Big Data - Managing and Processing Huge Datasets: We in this period of time were not able to handle the data effectively.
  3. Limited Dataset:  We were not able to collect a large dataset. A small dataset can restrict the model's ability to learn complex patterns and generalize well to unseen data.

Technologies used
