Visual Hertz

An AR-based solution that takes advantage of speech-to-text technology to help the deaf, transcribe the lectures live and provide a suitable learning environment. "For deaf to hear."

Created on 15th March 2021


Visual Hertz

An AR-based solution that takes advantage of speech-to-text technology to help the deaf, transcribe the lectures live and provide a suitable learning environment. "For deaf to hear."

The problem Visual Hertz solves

"Learning for Everyone" is a concept that is yet to be global. People with disabilities face numerous problems when it comes to education. In a classroom full of students, a deaf person may not be able to keep up with the class just by looking at the board. In education, context is very important, and the only difference between self-learning and learning in a classroom in the presence of a teacher, which is rather nullified for a deaf person.
We propose an Application and companion hardware that can ** help deaf people visualize ** all the conversations and instructions of the class in a summarized manner. A deaf person sitting in a class will be able to see all the conversations happening using the concept of AR. The long conversations are summarized using NLP and audio processed to show the correct text to the user.
People with disabilities deserve an education that is at par with others and being deaf makes it unfair. We make a project that can compensate for their hearing using the concept AR and their vision.
Hearing disability is a huge hurdle in the learning process. Even though sign language is growing in popularity and more and more people are learning this language, it is not practical for every educator to learn sign language so they might teach a deaf student at some point in time. Instead a different approach to this problem addressing the need at the consumer level rather than the producer level. This ensures that no matter which language the educator teaches in, the deaf students should be able to comprehend what they are trying to teach. Our project aims to help transcript the speech of the educator so that the deaf students don't feel left out and can engage in all the lectures without any restrictions.

Challenges we ran into

  • No two-way interaction between the deaf student and the class.
  • No performance measure for the student i.e. to know whether the student learned or not.
  • Lack of extensive course content.
  • Lack of a personal learning experience for each student.
  • Need for a tutorial of the Application.


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