-> Those who are physically confined or paralyzed and who cannot effectively communicate through body language or verbal language can also make use of the advancing technology.
-> We wanted to make a web app implementing eye movement based tracking and health management to help the deprived and paralyzed one to communicate with others.
Our solution:
This project is a paralyzed assistive eye based technology. It features our windows’ application and python scripts that uses a webcam and the web browser to allow interactions through only eye movement that controls the movement of the cursor.
What it does:
The website will allow the user to communicate their needs and feelings to people nearby as it can be linked directly to a nurse or medical personnel's contact information (i.e. computer, phone, or pager) as well as contact people outside of the hospital such as friends and family through an SMS server.
-> We struggled with figuring out how to feed the eye gazing data into the cursor movement. Registering the eye movement was the most difficult portion.
-> We invented something completely new that will make eye tracking software accessible to everyone through the internet whereas most eye tracking technology is confined to install-able software packages. Furthermore, it was difficult to incorporate twilio using only JavaScript to make it a client-side based feature.