
The Virtual Trial Room


The problem Virtuex solves

One of the major concerns faced in online shopping is that the customers cannot try the clothes and see how that particular clothing item would look on them.
The purpose of our project is to overcome this barrier by scanning, taking manual and computing measures, for the best shopping experience. Given the fact that clothes’ fitting on oneself is the top reason for returning merchandise bought online, the clash of fashion and tech can be only beneficial, both for customers and brands.
Fashion brands are recognizing the impact of augmented reality on how they can showcase and market their products. Augmented reality can help enhance the customer’s shopping experience and affinity for the brand which matters the most.
1.Try before you buy – retailers are closing the gap between online and offline channels – a customer can try on the product on the screen and see how it looks on him or her, or how it suits them.

  1. Engagement in social life – brands can create outstanding brand awareness and include some specific edge-cases of their own identity.

Challenges I ran into

The most challenging part of this project is the accuracy in superimposing the outfit at the correct position and to have proper sizing in real-time (image processing challenge)
