Virtual Shopping

The project focuses on making shopping virtual. The user just needs to select the product and he/she can virtually try it on.


Virtual Shopping

The project focuses on making shopping virtual. The user just needs to select the product and he/she can virtually try it on.

The problem Virtual Shopping solves

During this pandemic situation Shopping has become a lot more difficult and sopeople opt going for online shopping .But due to some of it disadvantage like they cannot view the thing they buy from all direction , it becomes a problem for the end users.So to get rid of this problem we have made an augmented file which can at present be runned in spark ar player app.In here at present we have provided 2 shopping object which are purse and watch.The users can try out how the purse looks like with their given outfit and choose the colour accordingly.They can also click a picture of it so that they can share the picure among their friends and know their opinion too.All thing user need to do is to provide an image which would be tracked and the 3d model would appear.Also the user can Change the color of the purse by tapping on the screen.

Challenges we ran into

Creating the 3d model for the project was the most difficult task. We ran into some problems Implementing about where to try out the project and because of the size of project but later on came out with solution for it. We tried to implement the selection procedure using javascript but due to errors had to drop that idea and came up with logic in the patch editor itself.
