Virtual HealthCare - WeCare

A virtual health care website where people can book their appointment and get treated virtually without having to step out in this pandemic and risking their health even more.

The problem Virtual HealthCare - WeCare solves

In this era of COVID-19, patients are under lockdown and health workers are at risk of infection. Looking at the current situation India is facing, be it the pandemic outbreak or the deteriorating relations with other countries such as China, we want India to shift towards virtualized care in response to COVID-19 promoting an AATMANIRBHAR BHART.
Hence, we will be making a virtual health care website named WeCare connecting healthcare providers and patients. It will provide treatment of patients by providing 24/7 care support virtually. Patients will be able to book their appointment suggesting the type of consultation they need and when they need. The provider will consult with them and diagnose, send a prescription, or help you with a referral as appropriate.

Challenges we ran into

Users expectations have dramatically risen with the easy accessibility of simple applications. Now, in routine for a website, users are looking for the same level of simplicity. Any website with ‘a good design’ promises to gain traction. A website looking out-dated or ugly can be quickly judged by its users. They will find some other suitable option, if your app fail to meet the user’s high expectations. A confused application for users, or a website with a complex integration for developers will likely fail.
As adoption is the key to generate interest and revenue, we did our best so that our website must create a great user experience beside creating a great experience for other developers also.
