VidShield : NFT-Gated Video Calling Application

VidShield : NFT-Gated Video Calling Application

Your Calls, Your NFTs, Your Way

The problem VidShield : NFT-Gated Video Calling Application solves

The NFT gated video caller app addresses a fundamental challenge in the digital communication landscape today: the need for enhanced privacy, security, and exclusivity in our virtual interactions. With traditional video calling platforms, privacy concerns and unwanted interruptions often undermine the quality of our conversations. Our app leverages the power of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to provide a unique solution. By integrating NFTs into the calling experience, users can create exclusive virtual environments where only those who hold the designated NFTs can access the call. This means you have full control over who enters your virtual space, ensuring conversations remain private and uninterrupted. Whether for personal or professional connections, our app empowers users to curate their digital interactions with confidence and convenience, making video calling more secure and enjoyable than ever before.

Challenges I ran into

The first challenge was Connecting react frontend with NFT Interface First Of all , I Have tried with tradittional Nft Smart Contract in Hardhat but it didnt worked so I have Shifted onThirdweb Which Has Provided Some preWritten Contracts and some better fucntionalties so it worked with in sync with Socket io

Tracks Applied (3)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

I have used polygon mumbai Blockchain for it


Ethereum Track

I have used polygon mumbai Blockchain for it


Quine Track

I Have Submitted Project on Quine

