

Stream Money Every Second

The problem VideoMon solves

VideoMon is a live streaming and video streaming platform which uses Livepeer, Superfluid, Polygon to stream and enjoy video by not paying the whole amount of the video, rather paying only the amount for the time you have watched the video. We have used Superfluid to stream money every second as the user streams video or a livestream.
It brings more power to creators through which they can earn more, they can stream money every second and provide their public and audience with content which can bring them more money.
This also provides the users with confidential and movie streaming content for which no free viewership is required unless you pay. This brings more power to content and knowledge.
People can sell courses and the users don't have to buy the whole course instead they just have to pay for the time they have watched in the course.

Challenges we ran into

Working with Arcana, the first hurdle was to connect wallet on different chains. When the hackathon began Arcana provided social authentication only. But after some days it launched a new version that provided arcana integration with Wagmi and Rainbow kit, which we used to provide users with a good User Experience.

While using Livepeer, we had trouble in customising the video Player, because we needed to call different methods on different actions like pausing the video,etc.. Within the player. For this, we first tried to use Livepeers inbuilt Player because of the convenience it provided, later we shifted to react-hls-player.

After stopping the video player, the viewer is redirected to the explore page. Here we encountered a bug, that the useEffect was called before redirecting to another page which showed some introduced errors. It was happening because of event listeners in the useEffect. This was solved by removing the event listeners before redirecting to another page, i.e. after completion of their job.

Tracks Applied (6)

Polygon: NFT Gaming application

We have made a video streaming application where you can also live stream video. We have provided power to content creat...Read More

Polygon Technology

Polygon: Open Track

We have deployed the smart contract on Polygon Mumbai Testnet and have tested the application. All the contract function...Read More

Polygon Technology


Arcana is used for authentication, integrated with Wagmi and rainbow kit. Users can connect to different chains through ...Read More

Arcana Network

Superfluid - General Track

Superfluid is used to streaming the tokens per second. User is charged while viewing a video/stream simultaneously throu...Read More


Superfluid - Tooling Track

We have used superfluid for wrapping matic token into super matic token which makes money streaming possible from one ac...Read More



We have uploaded the video on Livepeer Studio and also used it for live streaming. We have used Livepper player for play...Read More

