Video to Audio Software

Developed a dynamic web application that converts a video to audio(.mp3,.mov,.avi) and allows user to download a text file that can include timestamps, tags and comments for the resulting audio file.

The problem Video to Audio Software solves

The problem that my project solves is basically it helps user to convert their videos to audio files either in .mp3,.mov or .avi audio format . Sometimes it basically becomes difficult to traverse the entire audio file to listen/focus on somepart of the audio , that's why I have designed an interface where user can add timestamps,tags and comments referencing the corresponding audio file and can also download the text file which include these timestamps,tags and comments that can be used for future referencing to the audio file.

Challenges I ran into

The hurdles that I ran while building this project includes conversion part of video to audio file. Finally I conquered this hurdle to complete my project by using FFmpeg as a multimedia framework.
