Created on 2nd March 2024
Vibesquad is a tool that allows you monetise your online networks. It helps you discover the value of your social graph by offering you discounts for products you want to purchase. If you’re an influencer, it helps you utilise value of your social graph and make money by promoting products for brands you love.
The aim of the product is explore a new paradigm that introduces the concept of social pricing for luxury products. The idea is to make pricing contextual, what your value is to brands on the basis of your social influence should determine how much a particular product should cost to you as opposed to another person. With successful iteration, we want to even get to the point that we can create an exact social rank for you which brands can use to identify your social relevance and personalise the e-commerce experience for you and your network on its basis. In fact, at the core, it has the capacity to empower you with social graph composability across social graphs on various platforms.
That can solving pressing pain-points,
For influencers, communities and consumer facing brands, they invest a lot of effort in creating a following on all social media platforms. This becomes painful especially when you are looking at owning your online networks truly. So, imagine you would never have to start from scratch at building following on lets a completely new platform, you could easily attract all your connections to follow you from different platforms by utilising all social graphs.
You getting incentivised to expose your social graphs to people, communities and brands you want to support.
As an influencer, you always wonder the exact value of every brand promotion you do, let’s say if that’s even through a post. So, after a few product promotions, you will get a fair value you should charge the brand for a particular promotion at your end.
I had issues reading data on social media platforms because a lot of this is access protected. So, ended up switching to using Social blade api to fetch a user’s social profile post social login. Second issue was with bridging the BTC to the base since rewards given on the app are disbursed in Satoshis but that required to be done on Base chain since we are using Base chain for our smart contracts. We utilised a mix of threshold and wormhole connect sdk to be able to finally bridge the btc as tbtc on the base chain.
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