

A blockchain based crowdfunding platform

The problem Versura solves

● Foreign Exchange Risks: Foreign exchange limitations and Purchase Power Parity (PPP) differences ties the
contribution value to the original campaign currency, severely impacting the contributions of international users

● Use of fiat currencies: Traditional global currencies, named “fiat” in the cryptocurrency world, can be
deemed volatile due to unstable global economics and fluctuations.

● Limited global accessibility: Certain payment providers do not accept specific payment methods, thereby
reducing the overall reach of the campaign and thus, its effectiveness.

Proposed Solution:
● Decoupling of “fiat” currencies
○ Fiat currencies impose a number of restrictions on the flow of financial assets
○ Moving to alternative financial token types will remove geographical, transactional and scalar issues on financial assets

● Usage of decentralised blockchain based system
○ A blockchain is a peer-based system which records each transaction in all participating systems or “nodes”
○ In a blockchain, there is no central source of truth or authority. Each record is validated by all nodes in the system
○ A decentralised system as such ensures transactional security and integrity

Challenges we ran into

Deployment of Smart Contract on Live Testnet
Frontend Integration with Smart Contract
Errors in Transactions

Tracks Applied (3)


Our project fits into the DeFi space by providing decentralized, peer-to-peer funding solutions using cryptocurrencies. ...Read More


Using tools like Remix for developing and deploying smart contracts, MetaMask for managing user wallets, and Sepolia as ...Read More

Web3 Infra

Our use of Solidity, MetaMask, Sepolia, Alchemy, and Ethers aligns with Web3 principles, which emphasize decentralizatio...Read More
