

Let the truth speak for itself! Veritas aims to collect honest student feedback for the faculty, based on which teachers can modify & improve their teaching methods so that it benefits students.

The problem VeritasbyLunaticas solves

Our project aims to create an efficient way to gather student feedback on our university’s faculty. It builds a connecting platform between the students and teachers in a way that students can give feedback according to the classes being conducted by the teachers. Our survey bot asks a bunch of questions from the students in a fun and interactive way. The data collected from the students’ feedback will be showcased to the teachers in a concise and organized manner through our application which will allow the faculty members to reflect back at their classes and make them more streamlined, fun and interactive for students. It will help teachers change, modify and improve their teaching methods based on student reviews. It makes giving feedback easier for students since many of them feel hesitant in expressing their thoughts to their teachers face-to-face. Thus, it will benefit both the parties.

Challenges we ran into

While working on our project, there were conflicting ideas among our team members but we managed to solve and work past those issues through good teamwork i.e. understanding and respecting each other’s perspectives and opinions and hence, negotiating a balanced solution.
This was the first time we created a no-code survey using Landbot. So, understanding and learning how to work on Landbot was something that took time but was definitely worth it, in terms of new exposure.
Canva, the platform we used to create our presentation, stopped auto saving our work which delayed our working on the project. So, we focused on creating our survey bot while Canva’s issue got resolved on its own.
