Created on 18th February 2019
The problem of QUALIFICATION FRAUD is increasing at a rapid pace.There are fake universities and degree mills that are operating online, purely to make money out of people who are desperately looking for better qualifications to put on their CV.
Last year ,a mill called AXACT (from Pakistan) sold around 2 lakhs of fake certificates around the globe.
So the story boils down to, how to solve this issue?
Nothing could be better than a legit verification software.So here we are with our product,VERIFIX!
The motive of our application is to provide a central platform for the HR’s of various companies who can GET the various certificates CHECK and GO!
A certificate once checked gets verified for life.Just upload the file and you are good to go.
The project idea that we had in our mind while coming to this hackathon had to be dropped because of some technical issues.After wasting almost 5 hours on this we had to come up with another idea and start working on it.Which after alot of research we finally did.So yes ideating and implementing were the major hurdles that we ran into.Also,the technologies we have used were very new to us ,so that became another challenging point.