Vcure : Blockchain Voting System

Vcure : Blockchain Voting System

Secure cure for voting

The problem Vcure : Blockchain Voting System solves

Problem Statement

Design a secure and transparent blockchain-based voting system for elections or decision-making processes. Ensure anonymity and integrity in the voting process.

Proposed Solution

  • We'll be building up the voting system on the ethereum blockchain to bring transparency and security
  • Usage of ethereum blockchain will ensure lower transaction validation times and gas fees
  • The platform would be available for android, ios and web since it would be built using flutter which supports multiplatform and provides pleasing ui/ux for the users
  • Once the user vote, a unique hash id using SHA256 algorithm, will be generated using the voter id, public address and registered phone number of the user which will be mapped to true and checked each time a user tries to vote ensuring that each citizen could vote only once and cannot multiple wallets to vote
    "VoterID"+"PublicAdress"+"PhoneNumber" --sha256--> UniqueID
  • E-KYC would be performed using registered phone number for extra security

Challenges we ran into

  • We tried to building everything from scratch rather than using already available content to test ourselves which definitely was hard but fun at the same time
  • Working on a unknown problem statement and adding innovation to it wasnt easy either to begin with and proper research and brainstorming helped to overcome it

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

Smart Contracts: We deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to automate and enforce secure voting . This ensu...Read More

