VAHAK is a Web-App which creates a Virtual Hospital for a patient and the Doctor.
It enables the doctor to treat the patient from around the world as well as the ones in his hospital, while not moving from his desk.
Doctor gets every patients vital stats dynamic graph on one click alongside automatic scheduling of virtual appointments.
Online prescription can be provided by the Doctor also enabling him to view reports online.
VAHAK also provide the support for hardware setup on the side of patients, enabling the smooth transfer of readings from patient to Doctor.
The complete hardware setup of sensors are made on the side of the patient as the code to be put on the microcontroller is also provided by our software.
VAHAK gives access to the doctor to make custom sensors, and hence virtually assigns it to the patient.
Alongside the same hardware setup is created on the side of the patients, and all the readings from it are sent to the server.
Patients can upload their reports, recieve prescriptions, call ambulance and also request virtual appointment to the Doctor.