Vaccine Tracker

Fast tracks vaccine queue process by directly interacting with the user and giving respective, condition specific vaccination dates.

The problem Vaccine Tracker solves

India being a multicultural diverse population with its humongous crowd has a giant task ahead of its vaccination drive. And deciding our populations priority order to get vaccine has been in discussion for months. Ultimately what follows is a raging flow of confusion and chaos for each citizen to know their respective vaccination dates. To make matters worse, this priority order is based on each person’s demographic which makes this entire process tedious.

Thus our team “404 not found” has formulated a vaccine tracker which takes in each user’s bio and formulates an approximate vaccination date based on their information using an algorithm we created. It is an interactive website which not only streamlines this gargantuan task but is also informative and erases all doubts and confusion regarding India’s Vaccination drive.

Technologies used
